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Queen Kristen-"Transformed"

This amazing Queen has such a beautiful story to share with you all! Queen K's journey at the studio is a beautiful reminder that women everywhere shouldn't let unrealistic and rigid societal norms for beauty define them. All women are beautiful both inside and out, and it's so so so important that we acknowledge this every day.

-Quinn xx

Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If not, what made you choose Quinn?

I had never done a shoot before but had been thinking about it for a while. I've had friends who've done it, and last year, I had a friend who put together a boudoir calendar for her boyfriend. I'm always looking for unique gifts that will make memories instead of your standard "Here's a new hoodie and a pair of socks, love you, lol." My partner and I had been chatting about I had looked for a while and wasn't loving anyone I talked to. I came across you on TikTok and loved your energy and enthusiasm for photography and helping women look and feel their best. When I discovered you were in Calgary and I talked to you, that pretty much sealed the deal for me, Quinn you are my chosen one, lol

What was your favourite part of your session?

I don't think I can pick just one thing. Talking with Sydney and getting my hair and makeup done by her was amazing, she's incredibly sweet and kind. That being said, working with you and building the confidence to model standards, basically, I can't begin to describe that feeling. It's inner peace and strength and believing in yourself that doesn't come along every day, especially in our digital age. Anyone and everyone judge photos, so it was amazing to see myself transformed and be every inch as self-confident and stunning as the models we see on every platform.

What did your shoot do for your self-confidence, self-worth and self-image?

The shoot did a couple of things for me, it gave me a stellar kick-ass gift for my boyfriend, and after four years together, it's harder and harder to come up with unique and creative ideas. I know everyone says to book an experience, but both of us are so busy, he already works in oil and gas, and those boys get free tickets to everything. I needed an option he would never think of that would last a lifetime of memories. The other reason I've been struggling with my body image isn't because I base myself on other girls or people I see on Instagram/Facebook etc. For most of my life, I was a tennis star, and by 16, I had blown out my ankle and couldn't play at the level I wanted. This was devastating to a 16-year-old girl who's known nothing but workouts, tournaments and staying in peak physical shape. Luckily I had a dance career I could fall back on once my ankle got somewhat useable and a physical therapist on retainer (Thank god for Sarah and that I basically became part of her family, she saw me so much). Now long story short, I threw myself into my dance career and teaching, being the best I could, but eventually, life and school took over, and by the time I turned 30, I basically had no time for any of it anymore. As you can imagine, my body changed quite a bit after that, and I struggled with the changes and how to get back to where I was. Now I'm still not quite there, but I'm starting to feel good about myself, and I thought seeing myself in a vulnerable photo shoot could definitely help give me some positive body reinforcement! And hands down, it ABSOLUTELY DID!!! JUST AMAZING!!!

Was your experience what you were expecting?

Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting. I've done some runway modelling for a friend in fashion school, so I'm very experienced with hair and makeup, but not so much with the photography side of things. All in all, it was a fantastic experience, and I don't think I would change a thing. It was an amazing experience, and I'm already looking forward to doing it again.

What was the best part of your experience?

It was an amazing experience, and I loved it all, I even picked up some decor ideas while going through the sets, see you at HomeSense sometime, lol I think the best part was getting to work with you, Quinn and Sydney. Experiences are enhanced by the people we share them with, and both of you were amazing and oh-so-sweet and kind.

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